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HS CPR/AED 1stAid Skills Assessment Only

  • 1 h
  • 35 US dollars
  • Client's Place (Provide location when booking) or CPR ME NOW business location

Service Description

American Heart Association (AHA) Heart Saver or K-12 CPR/AED Skills Assessment for adult, child and infant. | This course if for those who are in a childcare profession, foster parents, and anyone whose employer or education program requires it as well as those who simply want to be skilled in saving a life in most emergency situations. | This is the SKILLS ASSESSMENT only. | You must complete the online portion of the training and submit to the instructor prior to skills assessment. | Online portion can be purchased at | Upon completion of both online and skills portion of the course entirely, students will receive their valid 2-year Heart Saver or K-12 CPR/AED 1st Aid AHA certification within 24 hours via e-mail. | PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: In order to successfully pass the skills assessment portion, you will be required to practice and demonstrate CPR skills on both an adult manikin and an infant manikin as well as perform a skills test on the Epinephrine Pen and Controlling Bleeding & Bandaging.

Contact Details


San Diego, CA, USA

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